A Health Coach in Your Pocket
Founder and personal trainer, Nick Klein, developed Higher Health Coaching.
With 15+ years of experience and professional development, Nick brings you the program that has helped countless clients achieve higher health, fitness and overall wellness.
He’s here to help you achieve your goals!
Meet Nick, Your Online Health Coach
What’s up guys? My name is Nick Klein, and I wanted to share with everyone my backstory on how I got started in becoming a personal trainer. In the end, I would like to present you with a unique opportunity, a life changing offer. Growing up I was a huge athlete. I always loved pushing myself to the max and constantly sought out competition. Although, what really instilled this passion was the day I came home from the gym. I walked in to see my parents in the kitchen. My dad was crying and genuinely looked scared. I have only seen my father cry one other time in my life and this was when my grandfather passed, so I knew something was seriously wrong. He was diagnosed with Leukemia and the doctors did not give him a good chance at survival. Long story short, I witnessed firsthand my dad fight and beat cancer. That whole experience made me realize how quick life can be taken from us. I decided at that very point in time that I did not want to accomplish any less than my full potential. I wanted to help other make the most of their lives!
There came a point in my career when I hit a few road blocks. Naturally, I am very shy and an introverted person. I suffered from social anxiety, which became a problem when opportunities came up to spread my knowledge to the masses. I struggled giving presentations, shooting videos and really finding the voice I needed to grow.
Regardless of how hard I tried to stay positive I still had doubts. I was scared. Could I do this forever? Am I smart enough to keep progressing?
I continued to work on my mindset and stayed the course. Things were going very well. I started pulling myself out of debt from college and decided to take on a mortgage to buy my first house. Shortly after this purchase, I arrived into work one day and was told that our lease holder would not be renewing our lease. We would be out of a job in 30 days.
Of course I was freaking out. I now had a mortgage, bills and student loans to pay. I thought hard on my next move and ultimately decided to take the leap and use this as an opportunity to open up my own shop. I acquired a big client base and realized many of these people would be looking for a new training facility. So, I worked as much as I could those 30 days and pulled many all-nighters to try and get things in order to open my business.
I researched some lease opportunities and found a good starting location. I took out another loan out and purchased some equipment. I created my first website and hired a couple of employees. I decided on the name Body By Choice Training. I liked the name primarily because health and fitness always boils down to choice. The decisions we make today always reflect where we end up in the future. I finalized everything with my accountant and set up all of the legal documents. Body By Choice Training opened its doors in December 2013.
I honestly thought people would just be flooding in to our new premier training facility, but this couldn’t have been further from the truth. I quickly realized being a good trainer and health coach didn’t translate well into being a good business man. I was in over my head. I had no clue about business, where to start or what to do. I began running out of my borrowed money and we were barely getting by month after month. Luckily, some of my clients followed me over from the big club, which kept us afloat. On top of all of this, I decided to marry my long-time girlfriend. In an instant, I also became a father to three kids. Talk about the stress and pressure of supporting everyone! I remember telling myself, something has to change, this has got to work!
So, I put together a plan. I substituted my 1-2 hours a day of continuing education to better my craft with all business related material. I hired a couple business coaches, read a book on business every week and joined some networking groups. I put together a business plan, a 3 year picture, a 10 year vision and drafted company values to abide by. I also started focusing on developing my staff more so than my own development. I quickly realized I couldn’t do everything. I needed a team of great people.
I stayed the course, kept grinding each and every week, and am proud to say that Body By Choice Training is thriving and going into its 7th year of business. We now have 8 professional employees, recently upgraded facilities and are continuing to grow. We are excited for what the future holds. The best part about it all is the amount of lives we changed and continue to change each and every week.
I am blessed to be able to talk with new individuals every week. Everyone that walks through our doors is excited to make changes and become a better version of themselves. It breaks my heart that many of them just cannot swing the financial investment. Higher Health Coaching is that solution!
HHC is a sequential-habit based delivery system, teaching nutrition and lifestyle education in sustainable yet progressive manner. The program is 12 years in the making from the lessons learned by the top 2% of the industry leaders. I make the complexities of diet, nutrition & attaining a healthy lifestyle simple using a 12 step lesson plan. My goal is to change more lives using this online platform! I spent 15 years, well over 6 figures learning, refining, practicing and teaching this exact lifestyle! It is truly life changing at a fraction of the cost!
Again, I know the hardest part to any goal is starting. It’s a CHOICE!
-Coach Klein
Nick’s Qualifications
Professional Development
- Internship at East Hills Athletic Club
- Charles Poliquin, BioSignature Level 1
- PICP Level 1 Certification
- PICP Level 2 State Coach Certification
- Private Internship, Eric Falstrault, Level 5 PICP Strength Coach
- Charles Poliquin BioSignature Level 1, 2 & 3
- Fascia Stretch Therapy Level 1 & 2
- Fat Loss Bootcamp Internship, Charles Poliquin
- Eleiko Strength Summit
- Poliquin Instant Muscle Strengthening Certification
- Fascia Abrasion Tool Certification
- Strength and Wellness Conference
- Designing Effective Hypertrophy Programs
- Designing Effective Relative Strength Programs
- Designing Explosive Strength Using Plyometrics
- Poliquin Group, Biosignature Level 2
- Wolfpack Annual Mentorship w/ Australian Premier Coach Mark Ottobre
- Hypertrophy Academy, Andre Benoit
- Kilo Strength Program Design, Stephane Cazeault
- Posture Pro, Annette Verpillot
- Kilo Strength Private Internship, Stephane Cazeault
- Kilo Strength Advanced Strategies to Program Design Level 1
- Kilo Strength Applied Exercise Technique Seminar
- Metagenics First Line Therapy Certification
- Kilo Strength Advanced Strategies to Program Design Level 2
- Neurotyping: The Founding Principles
- Neurotyping: Assessments & Program Design
- Neurotyping: Nutrition & Supplementation